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D''ieteren IMMO, also known as DIMMO, is part of the D'Ieteren group, a well known company in Belgium. It manages its property portfolio while providing services to tenants. It also provides specialist advice on garage redevelopment projects linked to the brands owned by the D'Ieteren group.
Information is managed by department, in silos, making it difficult for external users to find documents and identify the latest version.
In addition, the current documentary environment is too heavy, due to :
DIMMO called on Exquando to optimize its information management and define a document policy.
An AS-IS audit based on the InfoSystem Model Canvas (IMC) developed by Exquando.
Based on this audit, an action plan comprising 5 initiatives was defined and prioritized in consultation with the project team:
Initiative 1 - Drawing up an information charter to define the principles that will guide information within the organization;
Initiative 2 - Setting up an intranet for DIMMO, to strengthen the company''s identity and centralize official communication;
Initiative 3 - Definition of a document policy, resulting in the implementation of a classification plan, a naming convention and metadata;
Initiative 4 - Review of information-sharing processes, resulting in the implementation of collaborative governance using Microsoft Teams;
Initiative 5 - Definition of a recovery strategy for BIM data to be retained for the maintenance phase.
Exquando continued to support the implementation of the initiatives, providing both coordination and project management (monitoring of the schedule and action plan, organization of workshops, status meetings, etc.) as well as specific expertise in information management (information charter, filing plan, metadata, naming convention).
Klaro cards, Sharepoint online, Microsoft Teams
By teaming up with Exquando, DIMMO now has a document policy (information charter, filing plan, naming convention and metadata) as well as an approach for migrating documents to the new SharePoint.