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Provision of training and support to a team of archivists for ALPHAS


The Atelier liégeois pour la promotion de l''histoire et des archives sociales (ALPHAS) is a private archive center recognized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.


Professionalize the archiving processes of ALPHAS (Atelier liégeois pour la promotion de l''histoire et des archives sociales) in order to obtain a subvention.

Solutions put in place:

  • Theoretical training about Archival Science 
  • Awareness-raising regarding the Code of ethics for Archivists
  • Tailor-made support for implementing the new competencies, in particular: 
    • Writing up inventories according to ISAD-G Standard
    • Intellectual classification of archives
    • Record schedule
    • Access rights
    • Description of archival collections
    • Acquisition strategy
    • Electronic document management and electronic archive management


  • A team aware of the responsibilities and challenges inherent to the function of archivist
  • Archival collections properly described and inventorised, hence easily accessible to researchers 


Exquando’s training was exhaustive, tailor-made, and went deeper in the subject than expected. We are therefore fully satisfied.

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