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Marc Ansoult, member of the Digital Commission of the Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Launched in December 2021 and chaired by Antonio Galvanin (Proximus), the new Digital Commission of the Union Wallonne des Entreprises (UWE) aims to fuel reflections within the UWE in terms of digital transformation and to provide companies with a number of tools to help them seize the opportunities offered by digital transformation.

Marc Ansoult, Managing Director of Exquando, joined the Commission to contribute to its work and to shed some light from an information governance point of view.

Marc comments: “If climate change affects the climate, paradoxically digital transformation does not transform the digital. However, it profoundly transforms society as a whole. With the exponential and poorly controlled surge of new digital technologies, we find ourselves exposed to enriched and targeted flows of information which in turn modify our behavior one after the other, a little more each day, de facto transforming society.”

By joining the Digital Commission, Marc hopes that it will address the following question, first and foremost concerning the Walloon public institutions: "How are we going to organize all the stakeholders to manage the flow of information relating to the territory in order to support the digital transformation and provide the best service to businesses and citizens with confidence? ". This question, formulated a little differently, can of course be addressed to all organizations.

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