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Exquando is pleased to welcome Marie-Christine Moreels as its new independent board member
Graduated from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management and after having lived in Barcelona and Jaipur (India), Marie-Christine started her career at Accenture where she contributed to different projects among which the set-up and launch of a Shared Services center and the deployment of a cost optimisation programme for clients respectively in the chemicals and FMCG industries. After several years in consulting, she worked at Bayer Material Science in Shanghai, China, before joining GSK Vaccines in Wavre where she evolved in different roles, her last position being as Finance Director supply chain for global vaccines.
Mother of three children, Marie-Christine has now chosen to put her talent at the service of corporate governance. We are pleased that Marie-Christine has accepted to join the Board of Directors of Exquando, which thereby continues to rejuvenate.
We are convinced that the experience and talents of Marie-Christine will contribute to the serene and sustainable development of Exquando!