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We are very pleased to welcome Valérie Viatour as an independent Board member.
Valérie is a civil engineer, she has a degree in management and is Guberna Certified Director. She founded and managed her own company for 13 years and is currently setting up a new project to support companies in making their environmental and CO2 assessment. She has already served as board member for public organizations such as the Wallonia telecommunications agency and CETIC, and is currently board member at the Chamber of commerce and industry Liège-Verviers-Namur. Beyond her experience in managing IT projects, in particular in data management and processing, it is above all the values that we share that unite us around the Exquando adventure.
Valérie is, like many of us, concerned about climate change challenges. Mother of three children, she reflects on tomorrow’s world. Somehow, her new mission meets that of Exquando: we need and will continue to need pure water and air, but also pure information. She therefore embraces our approach to information governance in favor of infobriety.
Valérie’s arrival also makes it possible to reach gender equality on the board of directors (which has long been the case within the teams and management team).
We are convinced that Valérie’s experience will contribute to the serene and sustainable development of Exquando!