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An informational status report at your next board of directors’ meeting?

Some may remember the book “Les Infoducs”, by Luc de Brabandere and Anne Mikolajczak in 1985 - at the time of the telex - in which the writers foresaw the emergence of an informational society where infoducs would exist alongside pipelines and where information would be the new oil.  

Apart from companies of the digital revolution, it is surprising that the following questions remain unanswered in many organizations:

What are the information assets essential for the future of the organization?
What are the action plans to acquire, maintain and develop these information assets?
What are the indicators to measure the evolution of information assets?

And while there is usually a person responsible for managing HR, financial resources, business relationships, production, supply chain and energy supplies, there is very seldom someone in charge of informational assets.  

In October 2016, Brigitte Doucet also used the analogy of the Infoducs by titling an article in Regional-IT Le “Chief Data Officer” : régisseur du nouvel or noir (The Chief data officer: manager of the new “black gold”). The CDO is one of the answers to the challenge of information management and more and more organizations are taking the leap, such as BNP Paribas fortis, Euroclear, Keytrade Bank, the City of Brussels, etc. - and Elia has also just appointed its new CDO.

The CDO is expected to make an information review of the company and, according to the strategic goals, establish an action plan allowing each department to benefit from all necessary information - in quantity and quality, and with appropriate security level.

I cannot wait to see the future board of directors’ meetings which will not only examine the  financial results but also the latest human, environmental and informational status reports!

Exquando can help you build your informational assets report!

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