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Providing timely and accurate data and documentation for an engineering project


In 2019, UCB, a global biopharmaceutical company, began building an environmentally sustainable biological manufacturing facility in Belgium. This project was a significant and strategic investment on their Belgian site. To consolidate the construction documentation for the 17,000 m2 plant, UCB chose Exquando to achieve this complex task.


UCB wanted a fast and efficient data and document system in the cloud and Exquando needed to deploy the solution quickly as the construction was already under way. 

Exquando had to compile and manage all the as-built documentation from the various stakeholders on the construction. With hundreds of users in the office and in the field, Exquando needed to provide a space dedicated to documents and to identify a construction data cloud that would be easily accessible and user-friendly. 

Solutions put in place: 

After collecting inputs and deliverables from hundreds of stakeholders across different professions and trades, the Exquando team supported the implementation of Bricsys 24/7 as the project''s Common Data Environment (CDE). 

Bricsys 24/7 is a cloud-based application, so the project’s users had easy access via a standard web browser. The set-up was straightforward and made easy with the flexible folder structures of Bricsys 24/7.

Thanks to a simple setup and flexible access for unlimited users, Exquando implemented Bricsys 24/7 as the CDE in less than one month.

System used:

Bricsys 24/7 


Adding new technology to a live project is challenging, often bringing more issues than solutions – software deployment, integration into the existing tech stack, and onboarding and training unaccustomed users.

Exquando onboarded and trained users, building the user base progressively. The adoption was not complicated as the platform is quite user-friendly.

The project’s compiled documents by the various stakeholders are now available in Bricsys 24/7. Exquando has created two areas for documents: one for the as-built records and another as a collaboration area for the engineers to review, approve, and finalize documents.

The platform will continue providing timely and accurate data and documentation for the owners during the transition from construction to facilities management.

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