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Standardization and control of documentary practices


IMEC (Interuniversity Center for Microelectronics) is an international research and development organization headquartered in Louvain, Belgium. Founded in 1984, the company specializes in the fields of nanoelectronics and digital technologies.

The FAIN Department (FAcility and INfrastructure) forms the backbone of cutting-edge research by developing and maintaining world-class technical facilities to serve the research community.


Since 2020, the number of projects has expanded and the extent of technical infrastructure on the Louvain site, classified SEVESO, has grown accordingly. A team of around fifty people takes care of the maintenance of the installations and extension projects. Standardizing documentary practices did become an absolute necessity.

Solutions put in place:

Assistance in configuring the system chosen for project documentation management, Autodesk Construction Cloud, to meet the specific needs of IMEC.

Development of procedures for managing technical documentation
- organization and categorization of documents to facilitate their search
- management of the entire life cycle of documents, from their creation to their archiving
- control of access to sensitive documents and distribution to relevant staff members
- checking the accuracy, consistency and completeness of documents

Implementation of a documentary plan

Training of internal staff and subcontractors, including the preparation of training materials, the organization of workshops and training sessions as well as personalized and ongoing assistance to the FAIN team

Provision and supervision of document controllers

Systems used:

Autodesk Construction Cloud, SharePoint, Planon, SAP, Autodesk Vault


By partnering with Exquando, FAIN has strengthened its commitment to security, research and operational excellence. A well-organized and compliant documentation system is essential to ensure the long-term success of IMEC.

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