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Define the function of each tool at Cefora (Jive, Ms Teams, Ms Sharepoint, ...) and ensure that each employee is able to use them adequately.
Facilitate the search and ensure the sustainability of activity documents, as well as their correct communication both internally and externally.
While respecting Cefora’s corporate culture.
Phase 1: Information audit
Inventory of:
Analysis of the As Is situation and of the risks involved; formulation of recommendations.
Presentation of the results via an Information Map (audit report on information governance).
Phase 2: Implementation of an information governance
Definition of information governance rules (roles and responsibilities, document lifecycle, naming convention, metadata schema, controlled lists …).
Establishment of a repository (record schedule) for all activity documents.
Awareness, training and support for employees on new rules and tools.
Help with the migration.
Office 365 (Ms Teams and Ms Sharepoint Online)
Easily accessible quality documents
Employees who gain in autonomy
A more performing organization