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An infoSet is simply a set of information, whether documents, data or both. A "trusted infoSet", on the other hand, is a set of information that you can rely on with complete confidence.
But how can you trust information? In reality, trust is placed in a person, not in data. A "trusted infoSet" is therefore a set of information that one person vouches for. I like to call this person the "infoSet owner".
Too often, we think we can organise information in a purely logical and intellectual way, without taking into account those who produce or consume it within the organisation. However, to build a truly effective information architecture, it is essential to take into account the human factor and build bridges between the human architecture and the organisation.
This is a major challenge: you need an analytical brain to classify and organise information according to logical criteria, and a relational brain to connect people to data. When the challenge is well stated, it's easier to rise to it.
The benefits of trusted infoSets are considerable. They enable informed decision-making, improved collaboration and greater efficiency.
How do you go about making the information in your business more reliable?