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Exquando is pleased to have been selected by the Municipal Administration College of La Louvière to support them in their project to put in place a coherent policy for the management and governance of administrative data.
This project is part of the digital transformation of public services where IT applications are multiplying, generating new challenges. To address them, La Louvière considers digital transformation in a more global way: it is a matter of integrating humans, technology and processes, all related to data.
And when it comes to data, it's also about Open Data. Assisted by AdN and by Futurocité, the city has already set up an OpenData server and the first sets of data will soon be available to the public. But before issuing them, governance and ownership over the data must be established.
Marc Ansout, CEO of Exquando, comments: “Exquando always argued that the People-Process-Technology triplet should be applied to data sets in particular, which is in line with the city of La Louvière''s vision. We also share the same values in terms of transparency and governance which are both part of their practices. We are therefore truly looking forward to this collaboration for the next four years."