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In order to promote effective and quality collaboration, the Document Controller helps ensure that the documentation used by the client, its partners and collaborators is reliable, correct, complete and well communicated. He/she is part of a project team and is responsible for managing and controlling the documents that are produced during the different phases of the project via an integrated management tool.
This is a predominantly operational role that requires rigour and a strong sense of service.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of tasks. This list may vary depending on the assignment and the customer.
The following elements are an asset but not a requirement:
Exquando offers you the opportunity to develop your knowledge and expertise in an exciting and stimulating environment. Our clients are major organizations in the construction, pharmaceutical, banking, energy, and insurance sectors.
We provide adequate internal training. You will be encouraged to engage with the professional information community and share your newly acquired knowledge and experience.
The working environment at Exquando is dynamic and flexible. We encourage creativity and proactivity, and we believe in enjoying our work! We offer a full-time permanent contract and an attractive salary package. Our operational headquarters are based in Wavre, but some assignments may require short, medium, or even long-term presence at client sites. Partial remote work is allowed.
It is also crucial for us that the candidate aligns with Exquando's values.