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On April 23, 2024, Exquando, Elium, FastTrack, Obvie Solution and Valkuren gathered their clients by invitation at the Résidence Palace in Brussels for a morning of discussion on the impact of artificial intelligence in the workplace. Around thirty organizations were represented, including international organizations, public organizations and private companies.
In the plenary session, the progress in AI was presented by Antoine Perdaens, CEO of Elium. Representatives of PartenaMut, the European Commission and DAS then spoke about the progress and challenges of implementing artificial intelligence within their organization. This very open and very informative exchange was moderated by Valérie Zapico, CEO of Valkuren.
Three workshops were then offered to participants, on the following topics:
Sabine Boël, Customer Success Manager at Exquando, introduced and co-facilitated the workshop on data quality with Valérie Zapico. Here are some key takeaways from the workshop:
Beside the enthusiasm for the new opportunities brought by AI, the organizing team, chaired by Christian De Neef, founder of FastTrack, was also questionning the societal impacts of this technology. Some of these questions were left around the room in the form of bookmarks. One of them was "Since AI is based on statistics, are new ideas doomed to be ignored?"